2021 IEBC: A Focus on Commercial Structure to Residential


Last year, California Building Standards Commission altered California’s Title 24 Part 10 Existing Building Code (CEBC) by adding Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) into the 2022 CEBC. What does this mean? Adding these chapters into the CEBC provides more pathways for compliance when working with existing buildings in California for occupancy changes. The ICC has developed courses on these new-to-California chapters and compliance pathways for adaptive reuse projects. ICC's course 2021 IEBC: A Focus on Commercial Structure to Residential will discuss the requirements for a change of occupancy from a warehouse (S-1 or S-2) to a condo or apartment complex using the 2021 IEBC.