Recovery Efforts: Briefing on Governor Newsom’s Recent Executive Order N-4-25

Governor Gavin Newsom has issued Executive Order N-4-25 to expedite rebuilding efforts following the devastating fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. This directive introduces several measures directly impacting architectural practices in the affected regions.

Key Provisions Relevant to Architects:

Suspension of Environmental and Coastal Regulations:

  • The order suspends the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and California Coastal Act requirements for projects repairing, restoring, demolishing, or replacing properties substantially damaged or destroyed by the fires.
  • This suspension applies to properties rebuilt in the same location, not exceeding 110% of their original footprint and height.

Extension of Price Gouging Protections:

  • To prevent exploitation during the rebuilding phase, the order extends anti-price gouging protections for building materials, housing, storage services, emergency supplies, and construction services in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties until January 7, 2026.

Encouragement of Resilient Rebuilding:

  • The order emphasizes incorporating measures to increase community resilience, harden homes, and ensure defensible space to build resilience to future wildfires, to the greatest extent practicable.

HCD Tasked with Streamlining Permitting processes:

  • The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has been tasked with:
    • Coordinating with local governments to streamline permitting and inspection processes.
    • Providing technical assistance to ensure compliance with rebuilding standards and safety codes.
    • Developing guidance for integrating sustainable and fire-resistant materials in reconstruction projects.
  • Additionally:
    • The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation, the Office of Emergency Services, and the Department of General Services (DGS) shall, within 30 days, provide a report to the Governor identifying other state permitting requirements that may unduly impede efforts to rebuild properties or facilities destroyed as a result of this emergency. These agencies are tasked with updating the report every 60 days, as recovery and rebuilding efforts proceed, to identify additional permitting barriers for potential suspension.
    • HCD, in consultation with DGS, the Office of the State Fire Marshal, and the California Energy Commission, shall, within 60 days, review and provide a report to the Governor with recommendations regarding any provision of the Building Standards Code, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, that should be suspended to facilitate rapid, safe, and cost-effective rebuilding and recovery.

Give: AIA CA Members Responding to the Southern California Fires
Are you an AIA member or architect who would like to contribute aid to those impacted by fires in Southern California?

AIA California is coordinating relief and support in four ways:
1. direct financial assistance
2. temporary office space
3. pro bono services
4. an advocacy task force striving to enhance rebuild efforts and streamline permitting.

Learn more here.


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