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Understanding Carbon Analysis for Existing Building Renovation

February 09, 2022


There are several analyses on assessing embodied and operational carbon for New Construction, but very little analysis done on Existing Building Renovations.  The goal is to calculate the Carbon reduction when upgrading an existing building in comparison to the Carbon impact of a New Construction project. Develop new programs and legislature to incentivize building and material reuse.

Date: 2/9/2022

Units: Qualifies for Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. Certificate of completion will be provided to those who stay on and watch the webinar live.


Justin DiPalo PE, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP | Associate – Syska Hennessy

Sergio Cuculiza | Project Manager – Omgivning

Mark Chen | Sustainability Manager – Skanska

Tolga Tutar CEM, LEED AP, TRUE Advisor | Sustainability Director – Skanska

Earn 1 LSU | HSU for attending live.


Earn 1 LU|HSW and 1hr ZNCD MCE for attending live, or 1.25hrs ZNCD MCE for watching on-demand here.

(Watching video recordings of past webinars does not give the opportunity to receive any AIA LUs / CE credit.)

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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