December 28, 2023
As the year winds down, I wanted to send a final message as your 2023 President. It has been my great honor to have had the opportunity to serve you all.
We have much to be proud of as I reflect on what was accomplished this last year. Here are just few highlights:
This could not have happened were it not for you, our Members, and our great State and Component staffs. So, thank you, one and all!
On a personal note, I truly enjoyed attending many of your local chapter events. I didn’t get to all the chapters, but I plan to continue to attend in the coming year as one of your AIA Strategic Councilors.
2024 will have its own challenges and opportunities. With our 2024 AIA California President, Winston Thorne, and President-Elect Carina Mills, along with your Executive Committee and Board of Directors, AIA California will be in good hands.
Norman Foster said, “If you weren’t an optimist, it would be impossible to be an architect.” I am an eternal optimist.
Wishing you all the best in 2024!