AIA California Board of Directors Adopted Positions on Legislation

The AIA California Board of Directors regularly takes positions on legislation that impacts the profession, whether that impact is positive or negative. During the April 28, 2023 board meeting, the board took positions on 57 bills.

The process followed to arrive at those positions is described below. (For a link to view all positions, click here, or scroll to the end of this article.)

The 2023 Legislative Session saw a higher number of legislation introduced than normal, in actuality, the highest number in over a decade: 1,751 Assembly Bills and 881 Senate Bills, for a total of 2,632 bills.

AIA California staff reviewed all, pulling out a couple of hundred bills that were relevant to each of our four legislation review subcommittees, which together equal about 40 AIA CA members: Climate Action, Urban Design, Housing, and Advocacy.

These committees review the legislation assigned to them and make recommendations to the Board.

The bills were then reviewed by the Executive Committee before receiving a vote from the Board on official positions. To date, the AIA California Board of Directors has voted to take positions on 57 bills this year.

Bills are often amended or changed drastically throughout the legislative process. AIA CA monitors those changes and brings any bills back to the committees and board for review if needed.

Here are the Board Adopted positions on legislation, as of April 28, 2023.