The American Institute of Architects, California Council, Announces Inaugurated President

lee_salinSACRAMENTO, Calif.—The American Institute of Architects, California Council (AIACC), welcomes Lee Salin, AIA, as the 2015 President. Salin succeeds 2014 president, Brian Dougherty, FAIA, the 2014 president.

A practicing architect for over 25 years and Senior Managing Principal for the HMC San Jose studio, Salin not only brings experience to the table, but also thoughtful, pragmatic approach to the AIACC’s core missions and current strategic initiatives. “I am looking forward to building on the foundation of the strategic initiatives and continuing to emphasize their implementation for the benefit of our members, our profession, and the environment,” he said when asked about his 2015 vision.

Salin is also excited about the need to communicate effectively. “I am also hoping to sharpen the Council’s focus on how we communicate to members about the efforts of staff and volunteer leaders/committees in providing value to members.” Salin believes “there are ways we can be more strategic in communicating to members and getting them involved to help them realize more value from their membership.”

The task of leading the nation’s largest AIA component can seem intimidating and overwhelming, but Salin is not new to the AIA family. He served as the 2014 President Elect, 2012 and 2013 Vice President of Legislative Affairs, and 2004 AIA Santa Clara Valley President.

Installed in San Jose last fall, Salin gave a gracious and heart-felt speech, thanking his family as well as his HMC colleagues for their continued support. And he looks forward to working with the AIACC staff to help promote the value of design.

“I believe it is his [Salin’s] thoughtful and collaborative approach that will make him successful this year,” said Executive Vice President, Paul W. Welch, Jr., Hon. AIA. “When Salin talks, people listen.”

For more information on any of the above information—the organization, Salin, or the AIACC Strategic Initiatives, contact Shannon Calder at 916.642.1718.

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