Board Informational Meeting on Advocacy – May


This is a virtual meeting.  To register for this meeting, please see the BOD Basecamp posting. The April 5th Board Information meeting has been moved to Friday, May 17.

Study Hub: Project Planning & Design (PPD)


Project Planning & Design (PPD) focuses on the preliminary design of sites and buildings. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and abilities in design concepts, sustainability/environmental design, universal design, and other forms of governing codes and regulations. Speaker: Ben Norkin (Hyperfine)

Economic Forecast Webinar


AIA members interested in economic trends and influences on the profession and the industry over the next 18 months – Join us for this economic forecast! Michele Russo, the AIA’s Managing Director of Research and Practice will share an economic outlook for the profession and discuss the emerging developments shaping the future in California. This session will focus on current impacts on the design and construction industry, the economic forecast for 2024 and 2025, brand new information released  from the Architecture Billings Index, and the economic forecast as it relates to California, including residential and non-residential market sectors. Speaker: Michele Russo | Vice President of Research | American Institute of Architects Michele A. Russo, LEED AP After you RSVP or pay for this event, you will receive a receipt email from AIA CA and an email with link details to the Webinar from Zoom. .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-inline-end-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-inline-end-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:start}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Full Presentation_Economic Forecast

Free – $25.00



Want to prepare for the May 31st AIA CA Board meeting?  Join your colleagues, Winston Thorne, AIA and Carina Mills, AIA for an open discussion of issues to be addressed during the Board of Directors meeting. They will share their strategy for preparing for the meeting and answer questions you may have about the agenda items. Please see the Board of Directors Basecamp site for this meeting's zoom link, where registration is not required.

Executive Committee Meeting – May

AIA California Office 1931 H Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

The May 10th Executive Committee meeting has been moved to Friday, May 24. This is an in-person taking place at the AIA CA Sacramento office.

Architecture, Belonging, Connection (ABC) – Candid Conversation about: Small Firms


Register today to discuss what’s on your mind – from barriers to economic viability to the benefits of being small and the efficiencies you’ve discovered throughout your career. Understanding the unique issues faced by small businesses can help you be more successful! Moderator: Carmen Suero, AIA | Principal | Good Project Company  

AIA Large States Townhall


Join us on May 30, 2024 starting at 12pm Pacific Time. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 828 4990 1293 Passcode: 575764

Study Hub: Project Planning & Design (PPD)


Project Planning & Design (PPD) focuses on the preliminary design of sites and buildings. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and abilities in design concepts, sustainability/environmental design, universal design, and other forms of governing codes and regulations. Speaker: Ron Culver, AIA

2022 Energy Code Breaker-Talking with Clients about Electrification


If you have been asked questions about electrification requirements in California and need support finding answers, then this presentation is for you. We will provide attendees with essential data to foster a deeper understanding of electric technologies, including Energy Code requirements; how electrification can promote health, safety, and comfort; how California utilities are preparing to meet increased loads from electrification; and which design features support the reliability and affordability of an all-electric home. Speaker: Nick Brown | President | Build Smart Nick Brown | President | Build Smart              

AIA Conference on Architecture & Design 2024

Washington D.C.

Uniting to solve today’s challenges The most impactful, forward-thinking solutions result from a convergence of thought. Solving today’s environmental, social, and ethical challenges requires bringing together diverse perspectives across the multiple disciplines of the built environment. Enter the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design (AIA24), happening June 5–8 in Washington, D.C., home to AIA’s new global campus, several AIA chapters, and some of the most influential architecture, design firms, and manufacturers in the world. Every year, the AIA and AEC communities convene to network, share knowledge, and find solutions to design a better world. The conference fuses together industries, identities, skills, styles, and values, to establish a new multidisciplinary understanding of today’s most pressing issues. And it unites tradition and innovation, art and technology, form and function, old and new, and global and local to examine, educate, and find solutions. Through networking, education, events, tours, and the industry’s largest expo, AIA24 fosters cross-industry collaborations and solutions between licensed architects, design professionals, associates, engineers, contractors, interior designers, landscape architects, firm owners, owners/clients, emerging professionals, and beyond to showcase the strength of the AEC industry. Uniting toward better outcomes highlights the value in each other’s unique skill sets and positions architects, designers, engineers, and builders as leaders designing a better world, together. Be a part of this defining AEC industry event! Connect with your peers and lend your voice and expertise to design a better world. Register Now

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