Small Firm Carbon Basics: Why It’s Important and How to Measure It

When: Thursday September 22nd, 2022 12pm – 1:30pm Units: 1.5 LU/HSW (pending approval) Qualifies for Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. Certificate of completion will be provided to those who stay on and watch the webinar live. Moderator: Carmen Suero, Associate AIA --- Principal with GPCO Speaker: David Arkin, AIA --- Principal | Arkin Tilt Architects While reducing the operational carbon impacts of structures is important, focus has turned to the impacts of material choices and construction itself – the embodied carbon of a building from extraction, processing, and assembly of materials. This is especially important in California given the relatively low carbon intensity of our grid-supplied electricity. An all-electric, grid-harmonized building will have low operational carbon emissions in California because of our electric grid’s cleaner energy mix. Thus, the need to shift focus toward embodied carbon. The AIA 2030 Commitment’s Design Data Exchange (DDx) added reporting of embodied carbon in 2021. In this session, David Arkin outlines the basics of embodied carbon, discusses materials that have low embodied carbon or store carbon, and introduces a range of tools for measuring your project’s kilograms of CO2 emitted per meter squared. Examples of carbon storing materials and the range of tools available for measuring embodied carbon will be shared. The presentation will include challenges to answer questions regarding embodied carbon and climate impacts, such as: ‘Name the earth’s five carbon sinks’, ‘What process drives the sequestration of carbon in plants and soil’, and ‘Other than wood, what bio-based resources are potential carbon storing building materials’, to name a few. Earn 1.5 LU|HSW and 1.5hrs ZNCD MCE for attending live. Additional Resources Additional Resources PDF Presentation | Small Firm Carbon Basics: Why It’s Important and How to Measure It

Single Family Electrification Considerations and Requirements under the 2022 Energy Code

With the 2022 Energy Code going into effect January 1, 2023, California is moving closer to meeting goals for carbon reduction, grid harmonization and energy efficiency. Electrification, photovoltaics, and ever-increasing building efficiency measures are all tools utilized to help single-family construction achieve these goals. During this session, we will review the electrification measures of the Energy Code and explore appliance choices, such as space heating, water heating, cooktops and clothes dryers, that can meet those measures taking into consideration installation criteria, cost, and fuel source; explore when the photovoltaics (PV) minimum requirements apply and how PV sizing should take into consideration these additional electric appliances and other electric loads of the home; discuss how battery storage allows the homeowner to store electric production from the PV system to utilize during peak use conditions and the Energy Code requirements when battery storage is not installed at time of construction. There is a lot of great information out there supporting electrification, and we take a look at some of Energy Code Ace’s favorites. Speaker: Gina Rodda | Principal/Owner of Gabel Associates, LLC (Watching video recordings of past webinars does not give the opportunity to receive any AIA LUs / CE credit.)

Carbon Pt. 2 | Carbon Accounting: Measurement and Tools

When: Wednesday October 12, 2022 12pm – 1:30pmUnits: 1.5 LUs/HSW Qualifies for Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. Certificate of completion will be provided to those who stay on and watch the webinar live.Speakers:Kanika Sharma, LFA, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, ENV SP, LBC Ambassador, Fitwel Ambassador, EcoDistricts AP | Associate Principal, Sustainability Integral GroupBrad Benke, AIA Research Scientist | Carbon Leadership ForumThis program is the second in a 3-part series on Carbon made in partnership with the Carbon Leadership Forum.In this second session of this three-part carbon series, the presenters will set the groundwork for a rapidly growing ecosystem of tools and strategies available for designers to measure the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of their projects. This session will focus on methods and processes for assessing the whole building life cycle of buildings. Attendees will learn the core concepts of conducting a whole building life cycle assessment and build an awareness of the different tools, data, and resources that can be used throughout the design process.Earn 1 LU|HSW and 1hr ZNCD MCE for attending live, or 1.25hrs ZNCD MCE for watching on-demand Additional Resources Additional Resources Combined Presentation

Climate Action- Embodied Carbon in Construction and the Contractor’s Role

When: Thursday October 20, 2022 12pm – 1pmUnits: 1 LU/HSW (pending approval)Qualifies for Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. Certificate of completion will be provided to those who stay logged in and watch the webinar live.Speakers:Moderator:Suyama Bodhinayake, Associate AIA, LEED Green Associate | BAUER ArchitectsSpeakers:Tolga Tutar CEM | LEED AP® BD+C | LEED AP® ID+C | TRUE Advisor | SustainabilityDirector – Green Project SolutionsMark Chen, Sustainability Manager | SkanskaEmbodied Carbon, or the carbon emissions associated with building materials and construction, account for at least 39% of energy-related global carbon emissions on an annual basis. Unlike operational energy, embodied carbon can’t be reduced over time as these emissions are released into the atmosphere before a building is constructed. Therefore, embodied carbon must be addressed before building and tenant space fit-out construction begins when the materials are selected or purchased. This session will explore some of the key strategies to reduce embodied carbon in construction projects, discuss General Contractors’ role in addressing embodied carbon and consider how embodied carbon affects project work and collaboration across project team members.Earn 1 LU|HSW and 1hr ZNCD MCE for attending live. Additional Resources Additional Resources Combined Presentation_EC in Construction and Contractor’s Role

Climate Action Webinar – Smart Carbon Goals: Lessons Learned in the Construction of a Carbon Calculator


Smart Carbon Goals: Lessons Learned in the Construction of a Carbon Calculator When: Wednesday November 30th, 12-1:30pmUnits: 1.5 LU/HSW (pending approval)Qualifies for 1.5 hrs Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. Certificate of completion will be provided to those who stay on and watch the webinar live.Speakers:Sean Cryan | Associate Principal, MithunClaire McConnell, BEMP | Associate , MithunOriginally released in 2007, Mithun is in the middle of an update to the Build Carbon Neutral free online calculator.This ZNCD session will provide a “behind the scenes” look at the development of BCN version 2.0, and how we plan to incorporate the lessons learned at Mithun and across the broader industry in the 15 years since the calculator’s debut.Leveraging industry research, Mithun’s internal project database and iterative parametric modeling, the updated BCN calculator will better address complex construction types, specific structural quantities, site design and above-ground biomass for simplified carbon assessments of comparative elements of buildings and sites, and the specific elements of design that can be influenced for a lower carbon footprint.Earn 1.5 LU|HSW and 1.5hrs ZNCD MCE for attending live.

Multifamily Envelope Requirements Under the 2022 Energy Code

The 2022 Energy Code, going into effect January 1, 2023, has new chapters devoted to multifamily occupancies. These chapters include new envelope requirements supporting multifamily buildings (along with other increased efficiency measures not discussed during this session). Topics we will explore include: the new requirements for opaque surfaces (walls, roofs and ceiling), the new fire rating considerations, and how Quality Insulation Installation (QII) applies to new multifamily buildings; increased fenestration efficiency including a new AW (Architectural Window) performance class and new area allowances; and the new air barrier design considerations and testing requirements and compliance options for new multifamily buildings and how they will impact the design professional’s scope of work. We also will examine the performance method changes and how it might, or might not, allow the flexibility allowed in the past code cycles due to the major revisions by the Energy Commission in support the new multifamily requirements. In addition, we will share how Energy Code Ace supports the design professional via their suite of classes, resources and tools get up to speed on these new requirements. Speaker: Gina Rodda | Principal/Owner of Gabel Associates, LLC (Watching video recordings of past webinars does not give the opportunity to receive any AIA LUs / CE credit.) Additional Resources Additional Resources AIA CA 2022 Multifamily Handout

Climate Action – Building to Campus Scale: Water Strategies in a Changing Climate

 When: Thursday, December 8th, 12-1:30pmUnits: 1.5 LU/HSW (pending approval)Moderator:Laura Dulski, AIA, LEED BD+C, SEED AP | Principal, DLR GroupSpeaker:Erin English, PE, LEED AP | Practice Leader, BiohabitatsHow do we adapt our built environment’s water footprint for a changing climate?Decentralized strategies, or those that can be implemented at the building, campus or neighborhood scale, will contribute to water resiliency alongside investments in upgrades to municipal scale infrastructure. Selecting appropriate decentralized water strategies depends on a myriad of conditions such as building typology and use, regional regulatory climate, and site and watershed considerations. This session will share best practices from the perspective of a ‘One Water’ paradigm which seeks to unify often disparate water systems such as stormwater, wastewater, and water reuse. Additional Resources Additional Resources Combined Presentation_ Building to Campus Scale: Water Strategies in a Changing Climate

Practice Webinar: Sustainable Restoration of Paul Revere Williams’ Mid-Century Legacy at UCLA

This course will focus on the strategies used in the renovation and seismic retrofit of two significant buildings on UCLA’s campus designed by Paul Revere Williams, FAIA.  Participants will learn how these mid-century buildings have been transformed to support modern research and teaching and the structural techniques used to strengthen them while retaining their character defining features.  The course will also cover UCLA’s approach to sustainability and the systems and features incorporated into the projects that reduce energy usage and achieve Platinum Level LEED Certification.Speakers:Todd Lynch, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C | UCLA / Shana Scheiber, PE, CEM, LEED AP ID+C, WELL AP | Affiliated Engineers / Benjamin Bye, Senior Associate | CO Architects, Phillip White, AIA, LEED AP BD+C | CO ArchitectsUnits:Earn 1.5 LU|HSW for attending live, or 1.75hrs LU|HSW on-demand here.

Equity in Design: Architecture and Spatial Justice


The creation of space is fundamental to the practice of architecture. Space is physical yet it is a social construct. As Edward Soja writes, “space is socially produced and can therefore be socially changed”. In this webinar we will explore the concept of Spatial Justice - What does it mean? The spaces we inhabit can have negative as well as positive consequences on practically everything we do. Confronting social and economic inequality in our cities is a role for architects and architecture. Through new structures, strategies and expanded models of practice architects can be an essential part of that process.Earn 1 LU for attending live.Speaker: Paul D. Bauknight Jr., Civic Scholar in Residence | Minneapolis College of Art and DesignModerator:Jamie Intervalo, AIAEarn 1 LU for attending live, or 1 LU on-demand .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-right-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-right-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:left}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Additional Resources Learning Objectives Slidedeck_Equity in Design

U.S. Resiliency Council Seismic Grant Legislation

Units: 1 LU/HSW (pending approval) Speaker: Evan Reis | Executive Director, Co-founder, U.S. Resiliency Council Description: As many as 100,000 apartment buildings in California, which could house up to two million residents, many lower income, elderly or the disabled, may have a dangerous seismic vulnerability known as a soft story. In June, 2022, CA Governor Gavin Newsom appropriated $250 million in grant funding in budget bill SB-189 to owners of 2-20 unit apartment buildings with soft stories, to seismically retrofit them and make them safer for their residents. The US Resiliency Council was the sponsor of the bill and led the effort to establish a coalition of supporters unprecedented in its diversity. This course will describe the legislation, how the USRC was able to successfully create the coalition of supporters and provide information about how the architectural community can benefit from the grant program. Additional Resources Additional Resources Final Presentation_USRC Q&A Report_USRC

Occupancy Evaluation Technologies: Insights and Trends


Speaker: Flavia Grey, PhD - Principal | ZGF Architects, LLP. The purpose of this session is to provide an introduction to occupancy evaluation, the range of applications, and technologies available today. We will discuss the tradeoffs between effort of implementation and impact of the technology, and how to select the right application for your projects. Flavia Grey, PhDMore information and additional resources can be found here: Multiple staff members from one office should register individually to receive separate log-ins. .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-right-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-right-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:left}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Additional Resources Learning Objectives Slidedeck_Occupancy Evaluation

Water Solutions for the Modern World – Climate Action Webinar

Units: 1.5 LU/HSW Speaker: Eric Hough | Chief Commercial Officer, Epic Cleantec Water conservation best-practices for modern buildings are evolving. Epic Cleantec invites you to discuss the growing trend of “onsite water reuse” and why owners and leading design professionals are integrating graywater and blackwater recycling into new development projects. Additional Resources Additional Resources Full Presentation_Water Solutions for the Modern World