Study Hub: PcM Session 4: AIA Sec. 3/4: Delivery of Services, Practice Methodologies


Practice Management (PcM) focuses on the management of architectural practice, including professional ethics, fiduciary responsibilities, and the regulations governing the practice of architecture. Speaker: Betsey Olenick Dougherty, FAIA, LEED AP About Our Speaker: In 1979, Betsey Olenick Dougherty, FAIA, LEED AP established the firm Dougherty + Dougherty (now Perkins Eastman), and began a career emphasizing design excellence and sustainability for educational and community facilities. Betsey has been actively involved in the American Institute of Architects since 1976, is a former local AIAOC and AIACC President, a former California Regional Director to the AIA Board, National AIA Secretary, and is a former Chancellor of the National AIA College of Fellows. She has served as a member of the California Architects Board Professional Qualifications Committee, the AIA California Long Range Planning Committee, the AIA California Advocacy Committee, and is currently the at-large member of the AIA California Academy of Emerging Professionals and a Regent to the California Architectural Foundation. Betsey Olenick Dougherty, FAIA, LEED AP

The Business of Architecture Panel


Join us for a comprehensive exploration of various phases in the lifecycle of firms, catering to a range of newcomers to those who have recently expanded into the multi-city environment. We will delve into the intricacies of establishing a presence in Los Angeles for firms originating elsewhere, tracing their growth trajectory from inception to their current standing. Throughout the webinar, we will examine the role of strategic alliances with other emerging and youthful firms in the professional services sector, shedding light on the synergies that have contributed to collective success. We will identify and analyze the unique space that each firm occupies and how they harness it to benefit both their organizations and clients. Finally, we will be exploring opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape, irrespective of the economic outlook, to ensure that firms remain agile and adaptable in a dynamic marketplace.Carrie Strickland, FAIA, NCARB | Principal & Founder | Works Progress ArchitectureClayton Taylor, AIA | Co-founder & Partner | West of WestChristopher Torres, RLA | Founding Principal | Agency: Artifact .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-right-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-right-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:left}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Additional Resources Full Presentation_Business of Architecture_Adaptive Reuse

Economic Forecast with Michele Russo


AIA members interested in economic trends and influences on the profession and the industry over the next 18 months. Michele Russo, the AIA’s Managing Director of Research and Practice will share an economic outlook for the profession and discuss the emerging developments shaping the future in California. This session will focus on current impacts on the design and construction industry, the economic forecast for 2023 and 2024, newly released information from the Architecture Billings Index, and the economic forecast as it relates to California, including residential and non-residential market sectors. Michele A. Russo, LEED AP | Managing Director of Research and Practice | The American Institute of Architects Michele A. Russo, LEED AP Additional Resources Additional Resources Full presentation_Economic Outlook 2023-2024

Study Hub: Project Fees


Project Management (PjM) focuses on the management of architectural projects, including organizing principles, contract management, and consultant management. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and abilities in quality control, project team configuration, and project scheduling. Speaker: Bryn Young, AIA About Our Speaker: Bryn specializes in projects of all scales, thinking of innovative designs and space planning to fit any need. She has a passion for design and is always looking to nature for inspiration. She received her Masters in Architecture from NewSchool of Architecture & Design and holds undergraduate degrees in Interior Design, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business Management. Bryn has won multiple awards, including her Master's Thesis "Drought Tolerant Architecture". Bryn is currently on the Board of Directors at the La Jolla Historical Society and an adjunct professor at Chico State. When she's not designing she loves to be outside hiking, camping, or exploring with her husband and two daughters.

Strategizing for Success: How to Design and Procure Low Carbon Concrete


The building industry is under constant pressure to provide low-carbon solutions. Traditional green building standards such as LEED started the movement, but more recent public policies have elevated the drive to low carbon building materials. Tackling the problem of embodied carbon, the emissions associated with building materials and construction, is crucial to meeting near term climate goals. This session will examine how early collaborative decision-making and the use of performance-based specifications can empower project teams to include embodied carbon targets alongside cost, performance, and schedule to create a holistic bidding and procurement process that supports sustainability goals. This session will also examine concrete specifications and how to influence them to allow for greater reduction in carbon footprint. Participants will be introduced to NRMCA’s newly developed Concrete Carbon Calculator that helps set carbon budgets to include in specifications.Why it's important:Sustainable and resilient concrete designs leverage optimized elements that work towards open, well-lit spaces that improve the physical, emotional and social well-being of occupants (Health). Such practices also encourage the use of higher quality materials, with improvements to durability and resiliency (Safety). Lastly, sustainable concrete is achievable with negligible impact to cost while benefiting the environment (Welfare).Panel:Luke Lombardi, PE | Sustainability | Buro HappoldDave Walsh, AIA, LEED AP BD+C | Owner | Dave Walsh Consulting LLCBrandon Wray | Director, Building Innovations, Structures & Sustainability Group | National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA)  Luke Lombardi, PE | Sustainability | Buro Happold Dave Walsh, AIA, LEED AP BD+C | Owner | Dave Walsh Consulting LLC Brandon Wray | Director, Building Innovations, Structures & Sustainability Group | National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) Additional Resources Additional Resources Learning Objectives Slidedeck_Strategizing for Success Low Carbon Concrete

Study Hub: Understanding the A201


Project Management (PjM) focuses on the management of architectural projects, including organizing principles, contract management, and consultant management. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and abilities in quality control, project team configuration, and project scheduling. Speaker: Lauren Coles (Chair AIA|LA Practice Committee) / AIA Los Angeles About Our Speaker:

The Power of Time Management: Tactics and Techniques for Year-End Success


In architectural practices, time is money. Without proper tracking and allocation of time there is no way to understand and manage profitability on your projects. In this webinar, we will discuss time tracking via buckets, calendar blocking, and how to create the perfect work-life balance. As we approach the end of the year, it's a perfect time to reflect on your architectural firm's achievements and prepare for a successful transition into 2024.   Douglas Teiger, FAIA | Founder | Teiger Consulting Additional Resources Additional Resources Learning Objectives Slidedeck_Power of Time Management

Profit by Design: A Financial Bootcamp for Architecture Leaders


This engaging, bootcamp-style webinar is designed to enhance the financial acumen of Architecture executives and professionals, offering foundational knowledge and practical strategies to empower your financial management skills. During the session, you will learn how to interpret crucial financial statements, harness technology for efficient financial management, and master the art of budgeting and forecasting. Additionally, you will gain insights into project cost management and optimizing profitability, while also discovering strategies for improving cash flow management through client relationships and automation. As an attendee, you will have access to interactive polls and valuable downloadable resources to accelerate your financial mastery with your team far beyond the 60 minutes we will spend together. Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to drive your Architecture firm towards sustainable growth and success! Speaker: Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm Earn 1 LU for attending live. Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm Steve Burns, FAIA's downloadable content on his website. Demystify financial terminology and always have "The Top 16" at your fingertips with Steve's comprehensive cheat sheet. Fill out the form here and gain access! A clean and accurate Chart of Accounts is essential for tracking financial transactions by category. Fill out the form here and gain access! The all-in-one firm management solution, BQE CORE. BQE CORE, an all-in-one firm management

Creating an Attractive, Affordable and Sustainable Ownership Transition Plan


Earn 1 LU for attending live.  Many firms are actively considering expanding their ownership teams and/or transitioning ownership to a new generation of leaders. They know that offering ownership is essential to ensure the ongoing prosperity of their firms, to attract and retain highly qualified and ambitious staff, and to enable current owners to benefit from the value they created through long years of hard work. However, challenges abound. Many prospective owners are focused on living a balanced life--of which work is but one element. Some have limited financial resources to invest in purchasing equity in a firm. Others have narrow comfort zones and are leery of the risks that accompany ownership. In this webinar, transition advisor Michael Strogoff, FAIA, and attorney Jennifer Suzuki will discuss lessons learned from their years of experience assisting firms with ownership transitions. Attendees will leave the webinar with a better understanding of how to structure a transition framework that balances the professional, financial, and legal concerns of buyers and sellers. Speakers: Michael Strogoff, FAIA, and Jennifer Suzuki, Esq. Michael Strogoff, FAIA Jennifer Suzuki, Esq.               Full Presentation_Creating an Attractive, Affordable & Sustainable Ownership Transition Plan

How to Design a Safe & Compliant Automated Gate System


The main purpose of this course is to train architects, engineers, designers, specifiers & owners on the UL 3.25 and ASTM F2200 safety standards related to design, construction and installation methods of automated vehicular access points. This presentation covers those safety guidelines that govern all automated vehicular gate systems. Speaker: Brad Richards | Specification Sales Engineer | HySecurity Brad Richards | Specification Sales Engineer | HySecurity

Integrating Sustainable Design Practices to Improve Project Outcomes without the Overhead


This course addresses the urgent need for widespread adoption of sustainable architectural practices by covering essential topics such as building energy modeling and passive design strategies. It aims to impart a deep understanding of how to integrate sustainability into every aspect of the design process to lower energy use intensity (EUI), reduce carbon footprints, and allow firmwide adoption of sustainable practices to optimize project outcomes, without the overhead costs that come with it. Participants will explore innovative methodologies to create buildings that are environmentally responsible and economically viable. Speaker: Sandeep Ahuja, Co-founder and CEO of cove.tool Sandeep Ahuja

Architecture, Belonging, & Connection (ABC), Candid Conversations about: Recognizing and Celebrating Women in Architecture


Let’s create inclusive spaces that uplift and empower all women in architecture. Let’s acknowledge the intersecting identities and experiences of women architects, including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and socio-economic backgrounds.  Let’s consider the unique challenges and barriers faced by women from marginalized communities. Let’s gather for a conversation, sharing insights, expertise, success stories, and room for growth. We welcome you to spend your lunch hour on 4/29 to join the conversation!