(Sacramento, CA) Scott Gaudineer, AIA, who began his participation in the activities of the American Institute of Architects as a Student Member attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design in 1974, will lead AIA California as its president in 2023. Composed of 11,127 Members, AIA California is the national entity’s largest AIA state organization.
“Even when I was in college, it was clear to me that the American Institute of Architects is the essential representative of ‘the architect’. I also believed, ‘If you’re going to be in the profession, be all the way in,’; Of course, I became a member,” noted Gaudineer.
Though Gaudineer’s commitment to the profession and the AIA span almost fifty years, he continues to be forward-leaning, perceiving the need for and advocating on behalf of change–both in the profession and how architects may serve society.
During his investiture in December, he particularly noted the importance of realizing the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion within the field, and the power of architects to continue to call for and facilitate benchmarks that reduce drivers of climate change.
“Whether it is promoting environmental stewardship, championing livable communities, or fostering equality, diversity and inclusiveness, we need to continue to advocate,” notes Gaudineer. “The implementation of EDI principals create environments for all who work in the profession to achieve full potentiality. Through these principles, clients and community are better served. They improve our offices, and when they improve our offices, they advance business goals.”
These areas are embedded in five strategic plan goals adopted by the organization for 2023 – 2026. “I look forward to guiding the implementation of the strategic plan and its five major tenets–Engagement, Advocacy, Education, Innovation, and Culture–during my tenure” said Gaudineer.
“Within the state, AIA California is a leader on issues that impact all residents, such as Climate Change. For architects, the organization has been highly successful at advancing policies that support Practices every day. I am tremendously honored to be the AIA California’s new president,” said Gaudineer.
During his tenure, Gaudineer also plans to institute a program by which local colleges and high schools are “adopted by” individual Chapters.
Gaudineer has a lengthy history of service to the AIA at local and state levels, including President of AIA Pasadena and Foothill; Chair of the AIA California’s Government Relations as well as Business and Practice Committee, and Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs. He is the president of Flewelling & Moody, Inc., a 24-person architecture and planning firm based in Los Angeles.
Three newly and re-elected members join Gaudineer and already sitting members on the 2023 AIA California Executive Committee. They are (firms are included for reference):
Newly elected:
Already Sitting on Executive Committee:
The AIA CA represents the interests of more than 11,000 architects and allied professionals in California. Founded in 1944, The AIA CA’s mission supports architects in their endeavors to improve the quality of life for all Californians by creating more livable communities, sustainable designs and quality work environments. Today, The AIA CA is the largest component of the national AIA organization. For more information, visit www.aiacalifornia.org.