California Architects Honored with Prestigious State Awards Program
Sacramento, Calif.—American Institute of Architects, California Council (AIACC), proudly announces this year’s Residential Design Award Recipients—four living spaces with programs equally as different and equally as well-thought out and executed.
On a sunny August Friday in San Francisco, three jurors convened to deliberate, discuss and cull down a cadre of projects from 112 to four. They intensely discussed as they narrowed with accurate, careful and extreme specificity.
This year’s jury was comprised of three dynamic voices within the architecture world and included EB Min, AIA, Zoltan E. Pali, FAIA, and Brigitte Shim of Shim Sutcliffe Architects. These three worked on a finely-honed instinct combined with a palette of deep understanding of how residential programs can work at their best and still encompass the proverbial definition of high design…
They picked a range within the four ultimately chosen, but were particularly impressed with the single family work. One juror commented on a strategy of theirs. “I tend to think of the single family structure as experimental ground. It can be a place of exploration of design, and that’s what I am looking for—smart and thoughtful exploration.” Turns out this thoughtful exploration was found in more than just the single family residence, which again speaks to the high caliber of California design. “It is no secret the bar is set high for California’s architects, and those who belong to the profession should take great pride,” said one juror.
Following is a list of the for projects awarded. However, like every architect and every structure, there is a unique story. To find out more or to schedule an interview, contact Shannon Calder at 916.642.1718.
To view a full gallery of this year’s projects, click here.
2016 Honor Awards:
SBCAST – The Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science and Technology Macy Architecture
Benvenuto House Faulkner Architects
C-Glass House deegan day design llc
2016 Merit Awards:
House of Earth and Sky Aidlin Darling Design
Contact: Shannon Calder
Communications Coordinator
(916) 642-1718