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Contact: Shannon Calder                                                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Assoc. Director of Communications

(916) 642-1718




The American Institute of Architects, California Council, Grants Posthumous Award

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—The American Institute of Architects, California Council (AIACC), announced this month that Irving J. Gill would be awarded the 2017 Maybeck Award posthumously. This is the first time in the association’s history this has been done, and the bylaws of the board were amended to reflect the opportunity to award recipients in a posthumous nature.

The Maybeck Award, implemented as part of the Design Awards program in 1992 in honor of Bernard Maybeck. The purpose is to recognize exemplary achievement in architectural design by an individual architect over a period of at least ten years.

Gill, (1870 – 1936), a pioneer in his field, is well known as the Father of Modern Architecture. His designs offered simplicity through their clean lines and efficient use of space in a period when Victorian and Spanish Colonial architecture seemed to be overdone and of little use to those inhabiting the spaces.

The jury who selected Gill was comprised of the five jurors who were tasked with deliberating the AIACC Design Awards as well. They were: Greg Verabian, AIA; Stephen Kieran, FAIA; Mark Jensen, AIA, Kim Yao, AIA, and Tom Oslund.

The jury recognized the power of Gill’s work, and how it is still influential and how his design language translated beyond Southern California, where Gill primarily designed. They noted that his work is still so relevant and probably always be. “There is always a case for thoughtful, smart design. And there is always something we as architects look to emulate from those who paved the way, like Irving J. Gill,” said one juror. Another asked, “Who doesn’t remember learning something from his design—either in structure, process, philosophy? He embodied a sense of how architecture can shape a place.”

For more information on any of the above information about the architect, visit the Irving J. Gill Foundation.


The AIACC represents the interests of more than 11,000 architects and allied professionals in California.  Founded in 1944, The AIACC’s mission supports architects in their endeavors to improve the quality of life for all Californians by creating more livable communities, sustainable designs and quality work environments. Today, The AIACC is the largest component of the national AIA organization. For more information, visit