Performance-Architectural Details to Help Your Practice

Happy New Year from the AIA California Office,

For this email, I had originally planned to update you on a tool that indexes materials that help firms detail in compliance with CALGreen requirements.

But I can’t begin without checking in with everyone on the horrific fires that are affecting communities in the Los Angeles area.

We’re thinking of all those who have been impacted by the devastation, fear, heartbreak, and a result of the these tragic fires. In the next few days, we’ll let you know actions you can take to support your colleagues, or ways the AIA in California can help you.  In the wake of this week’s disaster, our commitment and advocacy for a more resilient and sustainable built environment is resolute.

In 2025, we will create resources to help the architectural community in California respond. AIA California wants to make sure these tools are effective and valuable, providing you with what you need in an actionable format.

Now, what I had planned to connect with you on: We need your help to identify those resources that would be of greatest value.

One of the projects we’re partnering on is a library of architectural details to help you implement CalGREEN in your daily practice. Under the EnergyCodeAce™ Resources banner  you can access the current result: a library of existing details, searchable by Code/Year and or Regulation/Year, Building Type and more, offers downloadable materials with practical guidance on compliance.  But in response to California’s ambitious code requirements we are expanding it—working with a focus group of practitioners to dive into further specifics and drill more deeply into QC.

A key aspect of this improvement, is addressing the needs of firms—so, I’m reaching out.

How can we make this valuable resource work for you?

What do you need to make your (architectural) life easier Take a few moments to tell us here:

Would you like to participate  on a focus group? To join us, click here:

For both members seeking to elevate their profile by participating in an AIA California related subject matter expert group and both members and firms using the result to increase efficiency and firm knowledge, this project is just one of the many ways AIA California is Working for You in 2025.


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