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William Leddy, FAIA | Principal | LMS Architects

Ryan Jang, AIA | Principal | LMS Architects

How can we redesign the practice of architecture to focus the transformative power of design on some of society’s most urgent issues?

Today, our communities face overwhelming challenges, including the accelerating climate emergency, persistent social injustice, chronic homelessness, and the need for innovative educational environments that prepare young people for a resilient future. These are not discrete phenomena. They are inextricably linked in a combined ecological and societal emergency that cries out for creative, integrated solutions. Architects are uniquely positioned to respond to this profound emergency. But to succeed, the design values and practice of our profession must be rapidly transformed within the next decade. Architects must become creative agents of change, providing the vision and expertise to lead our communities toward an equitable, resilient, zero carbon future for all. Business as usual is no longer viable. We must practice with purpose.

This session will offer practical strategies in the daily practice of architecture. What can one person do to address the great challenges of our time? Take collective action through design every day. 

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