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CALGreen Embodied Carbon Series: Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment for Code Compliance (Now On Video)


SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO OF THIS SESSION This session qualifies for 1 LU|HSW and 1 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. (Live webinar attendees only) The CALGreen Embodied Carbon series is a joint educational program between the SEAOC Sustainable Design Committee and AIA CA. This 4-part webinar series addresses the green building code changes adopted by the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) on August 2, 2023, focusing on reducing embodied carbon emissions in large-scale building construction projects. Understanding these changes is crucial, as compliance becomes mandatory starting July 1, 2024. Structural engineers and architects play a pivotal role in implementing these requirements effectively, shaping the future of sustainable construction. This second session will focus on implementation of the Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) compliance pathway. The presentation will be led by industry experts who will cover basic practices, available tools and resources, and practical considerations for practitioners. Topics will range from an introduction to the fundamentals of WBLCA, essential practices in material quantity takeoffs and application of environmental product declarations, compliance tools and resources, setting an effective baseline, the landscape of common reduction strategies, and practical case study examples. Speakers: Isabelle Hens, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, EIT | Environmental Designer, Atelier Ten Laura Karnath, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C | Senior Enclosure Consultant, Walter P Moore Avideh Haghighi, AIA, LFA | Associate Principal, ZGF Luke Lombardi, PE | Senior Sustainability Consultant, Buro Happold                 Viewing this video recording on the AIA CA website or on the AIA CA YouTube channel does not qualify for continuing education or a certificate. If you are interested in obtaining CE or a certificate, please access this recording on-demand through the aecKnowledge website here. Full Presentation_CALGreen Embodied Carbon Series: Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment for Code Compliance Resource Slide with Links

CALGreen Embodied Carbon Series: Implications of Material Procurement for Design Professionals


This session qualifies for 1 LU/HSW and 1 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. (Live webinar attendees only) The CALGreen Embodied Carbon series is a joint educational program between the SEAOC Sustainable Design Committee and AIA CA. This educational webinar addresses the code changes adopted by the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) on August 2, 2023, focusing on reducing embodied carbon emissions in large-scale building construction projects. Understanding these changes is crucial, as compliance becomes mandatory starting July 1, 2024. Structural engineers and architects play a pivotal role in implementing these requirements effectively, shaping the future of sustainable construction. This session will focus on implementation of the Prescriptive pathway which relies on Environmental Product Declarations for materials and lowering embodied carbon through material selection and procurement. The presentation will be a roundtable discussion facilitated by industry experts from AIA CA and SEAOC who will be joined by contractors and manufacturers responsible for meeting the prescriptive performance requirements by material. Discussion topics will include collaboration between design and construction teams, supply chain engagement, specifications, and practical examples. Speakers: Avideh Haghighi, AIA, LFA | Associate Principal, ZGF Luke Lombardi, PE | Senior Sustainability Consultant, Buro Happold James Little | Director of Technical Sales, NRMCC Jessie Buckmaster, LFA, LEED AP BD+C | Director of Sustainability, Hathaway Dinwiddie Hafsa Burt, AIA, LEED Fellow, LFA | Founder & Design Director, hb+a Architects Sophie Pennetier | Associate Director Special Projects, enclos and Adjunct Faculty with SCI-Arc Salma Syed, PE | Structural Project Manager, DCI Engineers David P. Wright | Director of Preconstruction, Schuff Steel         Final Presentation_CALGreen Series: Implications of Material Procurement for Design Professionals Resource Slide with links to more information on: Steel, Concrete, Glass and Insulation

Making Resilience A Priority | View on Video – Scroll Down


Earn 1 LU | HSW for attending (live attendees only). As evidenced throughout the world, climate change has caused a propensity for flooding and wind damage to become more common. Architects in California have a role to play in making buildings and their infrastructure resilient to this increase in weather ferocity to prevent the loss of property and human life. We will hear from expert panelists on their experiences in resilient design and mitigation, from being representatives to the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) to lessons learned from disasters around the world, and discover parallels that can positively influence California resilient design decisions. Speakers: Illya Azaroff, FAIA | Professor, New York City College of Technology (CUNY) and founding Principal, +LAB Architect PLLC Adele Houghton, FAIA, DrPH | President, Biositu, LLC and co-author of Architectural Epidemiology (2024) Illya Azaroff, FAIA Adele Houghton, FAIA, DrPH             Moderator: Frederick Marks, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C | Visiting Scholar & Research Collaborator, Salk Institute for Biological Studies Frederick Marks, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-inline-end-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-inline-end-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:start}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Full Presentation_Making Resilience a Priority From Biositu: California Resilience Data and Funding Resources

2022 Code Breaker Single-Family HERS Verified Quality Insulation Installation Webinar


This course focuses on prescriptive quality insulation installation (QII) requirements in the 2022 Energy Code for new single-family buildings of any size and additions greater than 700 ft². This course helps designers and architects create projects that meet QII requirements and helps energy consultants clarify the minimum requirements and schedule of inspections the team needs to succeed when the Certificate of Compliance form (CF1R and LMCI) calls for QII. Contractors will learn how to coordinate with HERS raters and subcontractors on inspection dates and other QII requirements. Building departments will learn how to support QII projects at plan check and inspection to ensure the QII process goes smoothly. HERS raters will learn about communicating with the construction team on how to prepare a project to meet QII requirements during HERS inspections. Speaker: Gina Rodda | Principal Owner | Gabel Energy Gina Rodda

2022 Energy Code Breaker-Talking with Clients about Electrification


If you have been asked questions about electrification requirements in California and need support finding answers, then this presentation is for you. We will provide attendees with essential data to foster a deeper understanding of electric technologies, including Energy Code requirements; how electrification can promote health, safety, and comfort; how California utilities are preparing to meet increased loads from electrification; and which design features support the reliability and affordability of an all-electric home. Speaker: Nick Brown | President | Build Smart Nick Brown | President | Build Smart              

CALGreen Embodied Carbon Series: Building Reuse for Decarbonization and Compliance


This session qualifies for 1 LU/HSW (pending approval) and 1 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. (Live webinar attendees only) The CALGreen Embodied Carbon series is a joint educational program between the SEAOC Sustainable Design Committee and AIA CA. This 4-part webinar series addresses the green building code changes adopted by the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) on August 2, 2023, focusing on reducing embodied carbon emissions in large-scale building construction projects. Understanding these changes is crucial, as compliance becomes mandatory starting July 1, 2024. Structural engineers and architects play a pivotal role in implementing these requirements effectively, shaping the future of sustainable construction. This final installment in the CALGreen Embodied Carbon series will focus on the building reuse compliance pathway for CALGreen's embodied carbon mandatory measures going into effect July 1, 2024. Speakers: Irina Brauzman – Supervising Architect, California Building Standards Commission Hafsa Burt, AIA, NCARB, LEED Fellow, LFA, WELL AP, ENV SP – Principal, hb+a architects Avideh Haghighi, AIA, LFA – Associate Principal, ZGF Luke Lombardi, PE – Senior Sustainability Consultant, Buro Happold Luke Lombardi, PE | Senior Sustainability Consultant, Buro Happold Avideh Haghighi, AIA, LFA | Associate Principal, ZGF Hafsa Burt, AIA, NCARB, LEED Fellow, LFA, WELL AP, ENV SP – Principal, hb+a architects Irina Brauzman – Supervising Architect, California Building Standards Commission Viewing this video recording on the AIA CA website or on the AIA CA YouTube channel does not qualify for continuing education or a certificate. If you are interested in obtaining CE or a certificate, please access this recording on-demand through the aecKnowledge website here. .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-inline-end-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-inline-end-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:start}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Additional Resources Full Presentation_CALGreen Series: Building Reuse for Decarbonization and Compliance “CALGreen Quick Guide”: 2022 CALGreen Guide Supplement – Nonresidential

Existing Buildings: Getting to Success with the Building Code Including the new CEBC Work Area Method


Reuse and retrofit of existing buildings is a key climate action strategy.  When these projects create new housing from underused or empty commercial buildings, it’s a win-win: Major embodied carbon benefits for greenhouse gas emission reductions Urban revitalization and economic development Housing in locations where it’s critically needed There are five different compliance paths that California architects have available for work on existing buildings.  This program will provide a high-level overview of all code options, insights, and information to make an informed code choice.  It will also provide a deep dive into the Work Area Methodology, new to California as of July 1, 2024.  Join architect Michael F. Malinowski, FAIA for this fast-paced exploration of code choices and nuanced differences and learn about factors that can lead you to a code ‘best fit’ for your next existing building adventure. Note: This program targets design professionals with a basic familiarity of building code principles, terminology and the application of codes to building design. Speaker: Michael F. Malinowski, FAIA  - President, Applied Architecture Michael F. Malinowski, FAIA | President | Applied Architecture

Free – $25.00

Roadmap to Absolute Zero Carbon


This session qualifies for 1 LU|HSW (pending approval) and 1 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. (Live webinar attendees only) As the urgency to address climate change and halt greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) continues to grow, designers have a responsibility to make smart design decisions to minimize their buildings’ GHG emissions. Even net zero energy, looking at operational energy over time, is no longer enough. We need to be absolute zero carbon, this means zero carbon in all aspects: operational, embodied, refrigerants, construction, infrastructure, and landscape. We need to design buildings that are zero carbon every day, from conception to operations. This session will discuss the roadmap to achieving Absolute Carbon including radically passive, all-electric design, adaptive reuse that is as good as new construction, 24/7 renewable energy, carbon sequestering materials, rehabilitating developed landscapes and serious attention to transportation. Moderator: David Moore, LEED AP BD+C, Environmental Designer, Atelier Ten               Speaker: Kristen DiStefano, LEED AP BD+C - Director, Atelier Ten, San Francisco              

Free – $25.00

Resilience and The Evolving Standard of Care Series: Integrating Resilient Design Into Your Architectural Projects


This session qualifies for 1.5 LU/HSW and 1.5 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education (Live webinar attendees only).Don't miss your chance to attend, space is now limited for this webinar! Registration closes at 8am, Wednesday, September 18! Architects should be aware of changes in the industry standard of care, the role of codes and standards, and how courts view an architect’s responsibility in the context of worsening weather conditions.The AIA + HKS Tool Kit for Integrating Resilient Design into Architectural Projects provides basic components for integrating resilience with sustainability and net zero carbon design within a standard of care for architectural projects. A unique standard of care shapes the delivery of sustainable design and net zero carbon design in architectural projects from concept to completion, and can also impact risk management and project delivery. Join our panel as they shed let on the standard of care process and how to integrate resilience and sustainability in your projects.Moderator: Tian Feng FAIA, FCSI | District Architect, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District       Speakers: Yvonne Castillo, Esq. | Sr. Vice President, Director of Risk Management & Global ESG Chair Amanda Barton, AIA RID NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP | Project Designer + Associate, HKS Josephine Hsu, AIA LSSYB | Architecture Job Captain Forum Sammy Shams, AIA NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, Fitwel Ambassador, LFA | Resilience, Sustainability & Building Performance, HKS Ana Moura-Cook, PE | Project Manager for Climate Resilience, Arup Alum Andreanna Tzortzis, PE | Associate, Arup         Additional Resources Additional Resources Full Presentation_Resilience and The Evolving Standard of Care Series Part 1Resilience Resource Links

Free – $25.00

Emerging Trends in Architecture: Harnessing AI for Embodied Carbon Reductions


This session qualifies for 1 LU/HSW and 1 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education. (Live webinar attendees only) This lecture delves into the architectural industry’s environmental footprint, spotlighting the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a pivotal tool for designing sustainable buildings. Patrick Chopson, an expert in AI-driven sustainable design, will guide participants through the transformative potential of AI in optimizing architectural workflows. This includes automating complex carbon reporting tasks and improving client communications regarding environmental impacts. Through real-world case studies, participants will critically evaluate how AI applications can significantly enhance sustainability and operational efficiency within architectural practices. This course equips professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive impactful climate action in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. Moderator: Ismar Enriquez, AIA, LFA, LEED AP | Design Lead & Project Manager, Practice               Speakers: Patrick Chopson, AIA | Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, cove.tool              

Free – $25.00

Path to Zero Carbon


This session qualifies for 1.5 LU/HSW and 1.5 hr Zero Net Carbon Design Mandatory Continuing Education (live webinar attendees only). The Path To Zero Carbon Series explores research and solutions for one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century. Addressing the climate crisis requires the building industry to reach carbon neutral design and construction across all projects. Our industry is responsible for nearly half of global warming, so our actions to reduce these emissions have a massive impact. Global warming is caused primarily by CO2e, but what do we need to know to have useful conversations on CO2e instead of just talking energy efficiency? What resources, policies, and frameworks are out there on embodied carbon operational carbon? This webinar will address these questions and more to understand the path forward to zero carbon. Moderator: Laura Dulski, AIA | Principal, DLR Group Speaker: Kjell Anderson, FAIA, CSBA, LEED Fellow, FitWel | Principal, Director of Sustainable Design, LMN Architects Laura Dulski, AIA | Principal, DLR Group Kjell Anderson, FAIA, CSBA, LEED Fellow, FitWel | Principal, Director of Sustainable Design, LMN Architects                  

Free – $25.00

Circular Construction


This session qualifies for 1 LU/HSW. (Live webinar attendees only) Don’t miss your chance to attend! Registration closes at 10am, Wednesday, October 16. You should receive your Zoom confirmation link no later than 10:30am the day of.  Join a panel of experts from the Circular Construction Lab at Cornell University, Construction Junction and Lake|Flato who will share research being conducted within the architecture, engineering and construction industry, and how some pilot projects currently underway may impact further reduction in building operation and embodied carbon through improved process management. Speakers: Dan Bergsagel | Sustainability Lead, schlaich bergermann partner NY, member of CCL at Cornell University. Mike Gable | Founding Executive Director, Construction Junction (CJ) Felix Heisel | Assistant Professor and Director of the Circular Construction Lab (CCL), Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning Dan Stine, AIA | Director of Design Technology, Lake|Flato                   Moderator: Fred Marks, FAIA | Visiting Scholar, Salk Institute for Biological Studies                    

Free – $25.00