How to Design a Safe & Compliant Automated Gate System


The main purpose of this course is to train architects, engineers, designers, specifiers & owners on the UL 3.25 and ASTM F2200 safety standards related to design, construction and installation methods of automated vehicular access points. This presentation covers those safety guidelines that govern all automated vehicular gate systems. Speaker: Brad Richards | Specification Sales Engineer | HySecurity Brad Richards | Specification Sales Engineer | HySecurity

Integrating Sustainable Design Practices to Improve Project Outcomes without the Overhead


This course addresses the urgent need for widespread adoption of sustainable architectural practices by covering essential topics such as building energy modeling and passive design strategies. It aims to impart a deep understanding of how to integrate sustainability into every aspect of the design process to lower energy use intensity (EUI), reduce carbon footprints, and allow firmwide adoption of sustainable practices to optimize project outcomes, without the overhead costs that come with it. Participants will explore innovative methodologies to create buildings that are environmentally responsible and economically viable. Speaker: Sandeep Ahuja, Co-founder and CEO of cove.tool Sandeep Ahuja

AE Profitability Metrics Demystified: Utilization Rate, Efficiency Rate, and Cost Rate Multiplier Webinar


For AE firms, profit is a multifaceted concept that extends beyond a simple year-end bank account balance. It's about diving deep into the metrics and tools that unlock both project and firm profitability. Douglas Tieger, FAIA, who started his own firm over 30 years ago as a solo practitioner, grew it to 32-employees as managing partner, and then successfully sold it to begin his own consulting firm will be your guide in this illuminating webinar! He will review the intricacies of profit analysis and empower you with the essential knowledge to drive success at both the project and firm level. Join Douglas as he unravels the vital KPI of profitability, the cost rate multiplier, and explores the crucial distinctions between utilization rate and efficiency rate. He'll explain precisely how to define your breakeven multiplier and unveil your true cost rate, ensuring that financial clarity guides your decision-making. Additionally, discover how to set and analyze your firm's maximum office billing potential, a critical step toward achieving your financial goals. By the end of this session, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to drive profitability, both at the project level and across your entire firm. Speaker: Douglas Teiger, FAIA | Founder | Teiger Consulting Presented by:

Economic Forecast Webinar


AIA members interested in economic trends and influences on the profession and the industry over the next 18 months – Join us for this economic forecast! Michele Russo, the AIA’s Managing Director of Research and Practice will share an economic outlook for the profession and discuss the emerging developments shaping the future in California. This session will focus on current impacts on the design and construction industry, the economic forecast for 2024 and 2025, brand new information released  from the Architecture Billings Index, and the economic forecast as it relates to California, including residential and non-residential market sectors. Speaker: Michele Russo | Vice President of Research | American Institute of Architects Michele A. Russo, LEED AP After you RSVP or pay for this event, you will receive a receipt email from AIA CA and an email with link details to the Webinar from Zoom. .elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{width:25%;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-inline-end-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{height:999em;width:0;right:0;border-inline-end-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{top:0;transform:translateY(-100%)}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{top:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title{display:table-cell}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-bottom-style:none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{bottom:0;height:0;width:999em;border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{right:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after{left:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title:before,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border:1px #d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs{text-align:start}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{overflow:hidden}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-title{cursor:pointer;outline:var(--focus-outline,none)}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title{position:relative;padding:20px 25px;font-weight:700;line-height:1;border:solid transparent}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active{border-color:#d5d8dc}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:after,.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title.elementor-active:before{display:block;content:"";position:absolute}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-desktop-title:focus-visible{border:1px solid #000}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{padding:10px;cursor:pointer}.elementor-widget-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:20px;display:none}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content,.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-title{border-style:solid solid none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:none}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{border-bottom-style:solid}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-content{padding:10px}}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-wrapper{flex-direction:column}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tabs-content-wrapper{flex-grow:1;border-style:solid solid solid none}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-content{border-style:none solid solid}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper,.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch .elementor-tabs-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-center .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:center}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-end .elementor-tabs-wrapper{justify-content:flex-end}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-horizontal .elementor-tab-title{width:100%}.elementor-widget-tabs.elementor-tabs-alignment-stretch.elementor-tabs-view-vertical .elementor-tab-title{height:100%}.elementor-tabs .elementor-tab-mobile-title{display:none}} Additional Resources Full Presentation_Economic Forecast

Free – $25.00

California State of the Market


2024: A Year of Stabilization and Reset. California’s economic performance has lagged national performance for the last few years – technology sector layoffs, regional banking crises, and the exodus of a significant portion of the workforce to other states have taken its toll. However, home sales are tentatively rebounding and the population grew in 2023, halting three years of decline. As California continues its path to economic recovery, this session takes a closer look at trends in construction and development, real estate supply and demand signals, emerging trends, and demographic shifts amidst volatility. We will also discuss what the future holds for different market sectors across the state. Speaker: Supina Mapon | Healthcare Strategy | Design Integration, DPR Construction Supina Mapon | Healthcare Strategy | Design Integration, DPR Construction              

An EDI Guide for Architects


Calling all architects who want to foster change within their firms! Just® is a program that focuses on employee experience, health, well-being, and meaningful community connections. It uplifts the understanding that it is people who make up businesses and communities and that people are the core of creating a Living Future. Tune in for an overview of “The Social Justice Label”, join the conversation on how to adopt Just® at your firm, and learn how it can help better define EDI initiatives in your office. Speakers: Jessica Jobe Sea, AIA | Associate | Noll & Tam Wendy Rogers, FAIA | CEO, Chief Talent Officer | LPA Design Studios Anne Torney, AIA | Partner | Mithun Moderator: Griso Barrios | Senior Manager | Just

Succession Planning and Leadership Transition: Securing Your Architecture Firm’s Future


For many architecture firms, the business is not just a career, but a lifestyle. However, when the time comes to retire or slow down, the most important investment you can rely on might not be your 401(k), IRA, or real estate portfolio—but your firm. Succession planning is not just about ensuring your practice can continue without you; it’s about building a valuable asset that can provide significant financial security and wealth, potentially making your firm your most significant retirement asset. Join us for an essential webinar on the best practices for succession planning and leadership transition. This session, designed specifically for firm owners who may not have considered the long-term financial benefits of planning ahead, will be led by an industry expert, who successfully sold his 17-person firm in 2007. Steve Burns, FAIA will show you how to strategically grow your firm’s value, preparing it for a successful transition that can offer you the financial freedom to step back when you are ready. We’ll cover the critical steps for ownership transition, from strategic and financial planning to cultivating leadership within your team. By empowering the next generation and creating a strong, sustainable firm, you’ll be setting yourself up for a future where your hard work pays off in more ways than one. Presenter: Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm              

Ethics and Diversity Considerations of Design Technology in Architecture


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in architecture holds the potential to revolutionize design processes, optimize building performance, and personalize user experiences. However, alongside these advancements come significant ethical considerations that demand our attention. This presentation will explore the ethical landscape of AI in architecture, focusing on how we can intervene to contribute to a more inclusive architectural future, and address issues like the future of practice, algorithmic bias, equitable data privacy, and overall business implications. Speakers: Argelia Barcena, Assoc. AIA | Regional Design Technology Manager | Gensler Cesar Escalante, AIA | Senior Technical Marketing Manager | Autodesk Moderator: Daniel Perez, AIA | Principal | Studio Perez Earn 1 LU for attending live.   Please Note: Registration for this webinar will close at 10:00 am on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.

Free – $25.00

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast


A firm's culture can make or break any attempt to change, grow, and evolve. This can be especially true as firms strive for integrated, sustainable, and high-performing design outcomes that span their entire portfolios, not simply a few high-flying projects. This session will take you through some of the common challenges inherent in breaking out of "business as usual" design processes. You'll also explore examples of strategies that leading firms have used successfully in their quests to meaningfully infuse sustainability throughout their firms and projects. Speakers: Keith Hempel, FAIA | President/CDO | LPA Design Studios Ashley Mulhall, AIA | Senior Associate | Orcutt Winslow Dan Stine, AIA | Director of Design Technology | Lake Flato Moderator: Ellen Mitchell, AIA | Director of Sustainability and Applied Research | LPA Design Studios   Please Note: Registration for this webinar will close at 10:00 am PT on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

Free – $25.00

Atomic Habits for Architects: Secrets that Boost Productivity & Profits


Earn 1 LU for attending live. In the bestselling book Atomic Habits, James Clear illustrates that the key to unlocking significant improvements in our lives lies in small, incremental changes, emphasizing systems over goals for sustained progress. This webinar explores how integrating technologies into our daily routines, guided by Clear's four laws of behavior change (make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying), can transform our work processes and architecture firm’s culture. By adopting a mindset shift towards seeing ourselves not just as design professionals, but as innovators, we align technology with our identity, ensuring its seamless adoption. Join the founder of The Well-Designed Firm and former Chief Creative Officer of BQE Software, Steven Burns, FAIA, as he shares actionable insights on fostering a culture that embraces experimentation and learning, illustrating how these atomic habits can compound to achieve remarkable growth. Discover how to leverage these principles to propel your firm forward by letting automation and technology handle the heavy lifting, saving you hours per week! FREE registration for this webinar, brought to you by BQE Software, will close at 12:00 pm PT on Thursday, January 30, 2025. Presenter: Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm  

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