This engaging, bootcamp-style webinar is designed to enhance the financial acumen of Architecture executives and professionals, offering foundational knowledge and practical strategies to empower your financial management skills. During the session, you will learn how to interpret crucial financial statements, harness technology for efficient financial management, and master the art of budgeting and forecasting. Additionally, you will gain insights into project cost management and optimizing profitability, while also discovering strategies for improving cash flow management through client relationships and automation. As an attendee, you will have access to interactive polls and valuable downloadable resources to accelerate your financial mastery with your team far beyond the 60 minutes we will spend together. Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to drive your Architecture firm towards sustainable growth and success! Speaker: Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm Earn 1 LU for attending live. Steve Burns, FAIA | Founder | The Well-Designed Firm Steve Burns, FAIA's downloadable content on his website. Demystify financial terminology and always have "The Top 16" at your fingertips with Steve's comprehensive cheat sheet. Fill out the form here and gain access! A clean and accurate Chart of Accounts is essential for tracking financial transactions by category. Fill out the form here and gain access! The all-in-one firm management solution, BQE CORE. BQE CORE, an all-in-one firm management
Last year, California Building Standards Commission altered California’s Title 24 Part 10 Existing Building Code (CEBC) by adding Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) into the 2022 CEBC. What does this mean? Adding these chapters into the CEBC provides more pathways for compliance when working with existing buildings in California for occupancy changes. The ICC has developed courses on these new-to-California chapters and compliance pathways for adaptive reuse projects. ICC's course 2021 IEBC: A Focus on Commercial Structure to Residential will discuss the requirements for a change of occupancy from a warehouse (S-1 or S-2) to a condo or apartment complex using the 2021 IEBC.