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(Lowenthal D) Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act: exemptions.

Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2023 

Status: 10/13/2023-Approved by the Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 825, Statutes of 2023.
3/2/2023-Referred to Com. on L. GOV.

Summary: Under the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act, before approving a project within an earthquake fault zone, a city or county is directed to require the preparation of a geologic report, subject to certain exceptions. Existing law exempts from this requirement the conversion of an existing apartment complex into a condominium, projects for the alteration or addition of any structure if the value of the alteration or addition does not exceed 50% of the value of the structure, and certain projects for alterations that include seismic retrofitting if a city or county, among other things, requires certain seismic retrofitting and prohibits an increase in human occupancy load.

This bill would revise and recast the exemptions to the act to, among other things, exempt from the act the conversion of a general acute care hospital into a behavioral health or substance abuse care facility that does not authorize a greater human occupant load than the existing authorized use or occupancy permitted by the city or county with jurisdiction over the facility, projects for the alteration of any structure for human occupancy if the value of the alteration does not exceed 50% of the appraised value of the structure that meets certain conditions, and projects for alterations of certain types of buildings that are permitted before the adoption of certain editions of the Uniform Building Code. This bill contains other related provisions.