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(Alvarez D) Density Bonus Law: additional density bonus and incentives or concessions: California Coastal Act of 1976.

Current Text: Amended: 4/13/2023 

Status: Status: 10/11/2023-Approved by the Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 755, Statutes of 2023.
4/17/2023-Re-referred to Com. on NAT. RES.

Summary: Existing law, referred to as the Density Bonus Law, requires a city or county to provide a developer that proposes a housing development within the city or county with a density bonus and other concessions or incentives or concessions, as specified, if the developer agrees to construct specified percentages of units for lower income households or very low income households, and meets other requirements.

This bill would require a city, county, or city and county to grant an additional density bonus, calculated as specified, when (1) an applicant proposes to construct a housing development that conforms to specified requirements, (2) the applicant agrees to include additional units affordable to very low income households or moderate income households, as specified, and (3) the housing development provides 24% of the base density units to lower income households, conforms to specified requirements and provides 15% of the base density units to very low income households, or conforms to specified requirements and provides 44% of the total units to moderate-income units. The bill would require a city, county, or city and county to grant four incentives or concessions for a project that includes at least 16% of the units for very low income households or at least 45% for persons and families of moderate income in a development in which the units are for sale. The bill would increase the incentives or concessions for a project in which 100% of all units are for lower income households, as specified, from 4 to 5.